Traditional Boat Builders Get in on The Outboard Power Trend

The outboard craze. The phenomenon. The obsession. Whatever you want to call it, the boating world’s current love affair with this engine is not going anywhere soon. While builders of larger-scale, Downeaststyle boats, think MJM, Back Cove, Vanquish, and Hinckley have been strapping these motors to hulls for years, boutique builders have been in less … Continued
At 80, preparing for adventure aboard Hokulani.

Ever enthusiastic at 80 years old, Jock is preparing to take off this summer for a big cruise aboard his Stanley 36, HOKULANI. To prepare, the crew moved HOKULANI into the shed for an extensive upgrade, including exterior varnish, new electronics, life raft, safety gear, connections for medical assistance, if needed, and generally going over all … Continued